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*고기와 채소,쫄깃한 당면을 간장에 볶아 먹는 면 볶음요리입니다.(gluteen free)

*이 잡채볶음은 원래 한국에서 먹었던 손 많이 가는 잡채와는 조금 다르지만 아주 간단해서 자주 해 먹을 수 있는 맛있는 볶음면 요리입니다.

  • 재료는 57세 부부 2인분.
  • 당면 한주먹을 미리 불려둡니다. 당면이 부드러워지면 중간을 한번 잘라줍니다.
  • 어제 재워 둔 고기(돼지고기 간장 불고기를 얹은 비빔밥)를 150그램 정도 쓸겁니다.
  • 볶아줄 채소는 당근,양파,초록피망,호박,할로삔뇨,마늘입니다. 냉장고에 늘 있는 채소들을 꺼내어서 적당량을 썰어 주면 됩니다. 오늘은 버섯이 없어서 좀 아쉽네요.사실 양파와 당근만으로도 충분히 맛있는 잡채를 만들 수 있어요.
  • 올리브 오일
  • 조선간장 3-4 숟갈
  • 소금 조금
  • Sesame oil
  • Sesame seeds
  • 잡채는 단맛을 좀 넣는 편인데 이미 고기를 재울때 바나나조청을 넣어서 그걸로 충분합니다.
  • 불린 당면을 물기를 빼고 올리브유를 둘러서 버무려 주면 볶을때 많이 엉겨붙지 않아요. 이 과정을 생략하고 싶으면 볶을때 당면위에 올리브유를 듬뿍 둘러주면 됩니다.
  • 먼저 올리브유를 두르고 마늘과 고기를 볶아줍니다.(고기는 잘 펼쳐서 앞뒤로 잘 구워줍니다)
  • 고기가 잘 익으면 여기에 썰어둔 야채를 모두 넣고 함께 볶아줍니다. 소금 2-3꼬집 뿌려가며 볶아요. 그리고 조선간장 1-2숟갈 넣어서 맛을 내고 간을 봅니다.
  • 양파와 당근,피망을 먼저 볶고 나중에 호박과 고추를 넣어 살짝 볶아줘요.
  • 당면을 넣어 볶는 타이밍이 짧으면서도 가장 중요합니다. 이때에는 오로지 팬 안에서 볶이는 녀석들에게만 집중.
  • 불은 중약불로 낮추고(다른 재료들은 이미 다 익었음)
  • 당면에 올리브유를 미리 둘러 두었지만 워낙 열에도 민감한 녀석이라 열심히 휘저어가며
  • 조선간장 1-2숟갈 넣어 다시 열심히 휘젓고
  • 채소와 고기와 당면을 각각 먹어보며 간을 맞추고
  • 불을 끄고 참기름을 두른면 끝.
  • 불을 끈 후에 먹어 보았을때 싱거우면 그때 간장을 살짝 추가해도 됩니다.
  • 채소와 고기와 당면을 잘 섞어서 예쁘게 접시에 담고 참깨 뿌려주면 또 이렇게 근사한 한접시 요리가 됩니다.
  • 마지막 볶는 순간에 열심히 집중해서 볶아야 이렇게 엉겨붙지 않고 잘 볶아진 만족스러운 잡채를 대접하고 먹을 수 있어요.
  • 잡채도 면요리에 가깝기 때문에 밥을 조금 먹게 되요.오래 묵은 백김치가 잡채와 아주 잘 어울렸어요.
  • 까다로운 남편도 잡채요리는 늘 맛있게 잘 먹어요.
  • 당면은 참 매력있는 음식 재료라고 생각합니다.
  • 다음번엔 시금치 넣고 목이버섯 넣고 하는 추억의 맛 잡채를 해서 올려 볼까 해요.
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9.돼지고기 간장불고기를 얹은 비빔밥(비빔밥2)

  • ‘돼지고기 간장 불고기를 얹은 비빔밥’ 은 신선한 생채소를 맨 밑에 깔고 그위에 볶은 채소를 넣고 맨위에 돼지고기 간장불고기를 얹어서 비벼먹는 비빔밥이다.(gluteen free)
  • 돼지고기 목살 800g 을 얇게 썰어서(많이 한 이유가 있다).이 고기를 이용해서 며칠동안 3-4가지 색다른 요리를 할 계획이다.
  • 술 3T(오늘은 집에 적포도주가 있어서 그걸로)
  • Korean soy sauce 3T
  • 바나나 조청 3T(또는 아가비 3T)
  • 생강가루 1T(Tumeric) 를 넣어서 고기를 재워둔다
  • 고기밑간을 할때에는 재료를 가볍게 넣는다.
  • 오늘은 이 고기의 1/5만을 사용할거다
  • 남편의 비빔밥 Top 고명은 돼지고기 간장 불고기
  • 나의 비빔밥 Top고명은 구운 두부
  • Korean Soy Sauce 3-4 TBSP
  • Olive oil
  • 소금 몇꼬집
  • Sesame oil
  • 통참깨
  • 오늘 메뉴도 화려해 보이지만 필요한 재료는 아주 간단하다
  • 오늘 텃밭에서 따온 생채소 깻일 20장,비트잎 8장,방울 토마토 4개는 썰어서 생으로 먹을거임.
  • 양파 1/2,당근 1개,버섯1/2개,빨간고추 1개,초록고추 1개는 썰어서 볶을거임.
  • 쪽파 2개도 쫑쫑 썰기.
  • 생채소(깻잎,비트잎,쪽파)는 이렇게 바로 썰어서 그릇에 담고, 조선간장 1/2t 넣어서 휘저어 준다 .
  • 양파,당근,버섯은 적당한 크기로 썰어준다.
  • 고추도 마지막에 넣어서 한번 휘리릭 해주면 매운맛도 가라앉고 숨도 죽어서 한결 부드럽다.
  • 두부를 먼저 노릇하게 구워낸다.
  • 두부를 볶아낸 후라이팬에 양파,당근 버섯을 넣고 소금을 몇꼬집 뿌려가며 충분히 볶아낸다.
  • 채소를 볶을때에는 센불에 집중해서 볶아내야 채소가 수분을 잘 머금고 있게 볶을 수 있다.
  • 그리고 주걱으로 채소를 여러번 뒤적이는 것보다 채소를 굽듯이 가끔 뒤적여 주는 것이 채소가 더 맛있다.
  • 채소가 충분히 볶아지면 생채소 위에 담아낸다.
  • 재워둔 고기를 중약불에 앞뒤로 잘 구워준다. 먼저 익은 것을 한번 간을 보고 간이 싱거우면 간장을 좀 더 추가해서 뒤적여 주고 마저 굽는다
  • 볶은 채소를 생채소 위에 얹고 각각 두부와 고기를 마저 얹어서 참기름을 듬뿍 두르고, 통깨도 듬뿍 뿌리면 완성이다.
  • 내 그릇에는 내가 좋아하는 햄프씨드를 조금 더 뿌려 주었다
  • 밥을 넣고 비비면서 부족한 간은 조선간장을 살짝 추가해 주면 된다 .
  • 나는 밥을 넣어 비벼 먹는 것을 좋아하고 남편은 채소와 고기만을 잘 섞어서 고급샐러드를 만들어 밥따로 고기채소따로 해서 먹는 것을 좋아한다.
  • 남편에 비해 나의 식사량은 양이 훨씬 적은 편인데 비빔밥 만큼은 내가 좋아하는 채소를 듬뿍 넣어서 양을 많이 먹는다그런데 최근 들어서 비빔밥을 먹은 후에도 소화가 잘 되지 않는다. 이젠 나이 들어서 내가 좋아하는 채소도 많이 먹으면 섬유질 과식으로 소화불량이 되는 것 같다.
  • 몸에서는 계속 여러번 신호를 보내는데 습관대로 먹으면서 탈이 나고서야 그제서야 알아 차리게 된다.
  • 오늘은 부족하게 딱 알맞게.
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8. Streamed Fish (Streamed Red Snapper)

*This steamed fish dish is a neat and gourmet dish where a boneless red snapper is steamed lightly, topped with thinly sliced chives, and served with a sauce poured over it. (Gluten Free)

Ingredients (2 servings for 57 year old couple)

  • Boneless red snapper (two halves) * Can be purchased at our Boricua Food Market
  • Ginger (a bit)
  • Chive four
  • Olive oil (4-5 spoonful)
  • Minced garlic (1 spoonful)
  • Peperoncino (coarsely ground chili) (1 spoonful)
  • Banana syrup (1 spoonful) (or agave syrup 1 spoonful)
  • Ginger liquor (2 spoonful) (alternatively, cheongju - clear strained rice wine, or white wine)
  • Korean soy sauce (2 spoonful)

1. Place the fish in the steaming pot with the flesh side facing up, and generously top it with peeled and sliced gingers. This helps eliminate the fishy smell and softens the ginger for ease of eating.

2. While the fish is getting steamed, slice the chives diagonally and prepare the sauce.

On low heat, put 5 spoonful of olive oil, 1 spoonful of minced garlic, 2 spoonful of ginger liquor, 2 spoonful of Korean soy sauce, 1 spoonful of banana syrup (1 spoonful of agave syrup), and 1 spoonful of peperoncino (we didn’t have peperoncino today, so I used Korean powdered red peppers instead).

3. Put the mixed ingredients in heat until the olive oil starts to boil and ensure all the ingredients are combined well together. Bring it to a boil again just before drizzling it over the fish.

4. The fish gets streamed fully around 18 minute mark. It cooks quickly since it’s thinner, but thicker fish will take much longer. Fish doesn’t taste as good if you steam it for too long, so it’s important to steam it just right.

5. Take the fish out and place it on a plate, topping it with the sliced chives, and drizzle the just-boiled sauce over it. This creates one splendid dish. The flavor is amazing — better than many restaurant dishes. This steamed fish also pairs exceptionally well with kimchi.

*Since I didn’t have pepperoncino (coarsely ground chili), I used Korean powdered red peppers instead, and now the sauce came out to be slightly clumpy. Adding pepperoncino makes the flavor much neater too. Steaming the whole fish might enhance the taste, but it can be quite cumbersome to eat and clean up because of the bones. However, steaming boneless fish makes it easy to eat, and its flavor is equally excellent. Additionally, despite its impressive presentation and gourmet taste, the cooking process is fairly simple, making it a dish that anyone can easily prepare and enjoy frequently.

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7. Braised Tofu

*Gluten Free


  • Tofu one
  • Korean soy sauce 3 spoonful
  • Water (5 spoonful)
  • Korean powdered red pepper (1 spoonful)
  • Sesame oil (1 spoonful)
  • Sesame seeds (1 spoonful)
  • Banana syrup (1/2 spoonful) (or agave 1/2 spoonful)
  • Chives (two)

1. Prepare the sauce for the braised tofu.

First, thinly slice the two chives. Then, mix 3 spoonful of Korean soy sauce, 5 spoonful of water, 1 spoonful of Korean powdered red pepper, 1 spoonful of sesame oil, 1 spoonful of sesame seeds, and 1/2 spoonful of banana syrup (or 1/2 spoonful of agave syrup) well together.

2. Cut the tofu in 12 large chunks

3. Drizzle plenty of olive oil on a pan and cook both side of the tofu chunks in medium heat until they are cooked well (Don't overcook them)

4. Lower the heat a bit and pour the prepared sauce evenly.

Lift up the tofu chunks a bit, so the sauce can get on the bottom of the tofu pieces too.

Pay extra attention at the end so that the sauce wouldn't burn. Tilt the pan a little bit and simmer until the sauce dries up.

5. Once the sauce is almost gone, now it is done.

Today, I cut some onions and toss them on the sides while simmering, and this was an excellent choice.

If you add mushrooms, they get chewy like meat.

Braised tofu is one of the dishes I make most often, since the ingredients are inexpensive, the nutrients are good, it is tasty and is easy to make.

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6. Bean bibimbap and Ham bibimbap (bibimbap #1)

*Gluten Free

2 servings for a couple of 57 years olds

Vegetables to eat raw

  • Perila leaves (10) - Korean red lettuce or sliced celeries are good alternatives
  • Cucumber (a small one)
  • Jalapeño (two) - optional

Good vegetables to stir fry

  • Carrots (a bit)
  • Squash (a bit)
  • Mushrooms (a bit)
  • Onions (a half)
  • Sesame oil
  • Sesame seeds
  • Korean soy sauce

1. Slice the vegetables to eat raw and put them in a bowl. Mix it with 1/3 TSP of Korean soy sauce

2. Stir fry carrots, onion, mushroom, and squash with olive oil. Put plenty of olive oil, add a pinch or two of salt and 1 TSP of Korean soy sauce, and cook it while taste testing. Put the stir fried vegetables on top of raw vegetables.

3. For my husband who loves meat, slice and cook ham. I will have butter bean which is a good alternative to tofu. Butter bean has preservatives, so wash it with water 2-3 times, drain the water, and prepare 3-4 TSP of it.

*Butter bean : you can buy it in Boricua Market.

4. Put the stir-fried vegetables on top of the raw vegetables, and put the cooked ham and butter bean on top of all the vegetables. In my bowl, I added plenty of sesame seeds and hempseeds as well.

5. Prepare the bibimbap sauce with two thinly sliced chives, 1 TSP of Korean soy sauce, 1 TSP of sesame oil, and sesame seeds).
If preparing the sauce separately is inconvenient, then just drizzle the sesame oil on the bowl, add rice (how ever you want), mix it together and taste test it. If it tastes dull, add a bit more of Korean soy sauce and enjoy the dish with kimchi. Bibimbap has plenty of vegetables but it also goes well with kimchi.

* Bibimbap is my favorite and my proudest Korean dish. The nutritions are very well balanced, and this is a creative recipe where you can make incredible number of variations. All various bibimbap dishes taste good in their own ways.
I may upload more than 100 bibimbap recipes in the future, hence why I added 'bibimbap #1' as the subtitle of this recipe.

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5. Spicy Pork Stir-Fry

*Gluten Free


  • Pork Belly (thinly sliced, a fully fistful) - Pork shoulder is a good alternative that is less fatty
  • Kimchi (a fistful) – it’s a must!
  • Onion (a bit) – it’s a must!
  • Chive (two)
  • Mushroom (if you have it, it's a good addition)
  • Perila leaves (optional)
  • Jalapeño (for my husband who likes a little kick in foods)
  • Korean powdered red pepper
  • Korean soy sauce, salt
  • Sesame oil
  • Sesame seeds

1. Cook pork belly in a pan until both sides are well cooked and the fat melts and gets liquified

If you drizzle a bit of alcohol (ginger alcohol, Chungha, soju, white wine, etc.) when you cook the meat, it helps get rid of the meaty smell.

2. Once the pork belly is cooked well and the fat melts, add kimchi (squeeze the soup out of it lightly) and cook them together.

Stir around 3-4 times until the kimchi is coated well with the pork belly fat.

3. Add onion, mushroom, jalapeño, and Korean powdered red pepper 1 Tbsp and cook them all together.

If you added much of Kimchi, you don't need to add any salt. However, if you put more of other vegetables than kimchi, then season with soy sauce.

4. Once it is seasoned well and it looks good, add sesame leaves (we have a lot at home) and chives and cook just a bit more to wrap it up.

5. The spicy pork stir-fry has a lot of kimchi in it, but I also craved some fresh kimchi. This is what today's meal looks like.

Pork belly has a lot of natural fat, so we don't cook it that often.
We use it about once or twice a week, but when we do we make the most out of its taste and enjoy the food.

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4. Mapo Tofu


These are two servings for a couple of 57 year olds.

  • Tofu (half)
  • Meat (pork belly or pork shoulder - a fistful) (I lightly marinated the meat with alcohol, Korean soy sauce, and banana syrup)
  • Vegetables (onion, red bell pepper, mushroom - cabbage is recommended too)
  • Chive (two)
  • Garlic (three cloves)
  • Avocado (we just added it because we had it lying around)
  • Korean powdered red pepper 2-3T
  • Starch water (1 Tbsp starch and 3 Tbsp water)
  • Korean soy sauce
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Water
  • Sesame oil

If you keep all the ingredients lined up in order right next to the stove, cooking becomes easier.

  1. Cook garlic and meat first. By the time the meat is cooked, add vegetables and continue cooking (Unlike chicken, you can continue cooking pork).

2. As you continue cooking the vegetables, add the powdered red pepper 2 Tbsp and cook with oil.

3. By the time the vegetables and the powdered red pepper look good, add water until the meat and the vegetables are submerged, add tofu, and cook until the broth has the taste of meat and vegetables (more than 5 minutes)

4. Based on how it looks, you may add additional powdered red pepper. Taste it and you may add soy sauce and jalapeño to taste. Add the chives and avocado, and cook just a bit more to wrap it up. Plate the food and drizzle with sesame oil for better taste and smell.
Add the chives and avocado, and cook just a bit more to wrap it up. Plate the food and drizzle with sesame oil for better taste and smell.

I had it together with rice

And my husband had it in separate bowls (the left rice bowl has a lid on to keep it warm)

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3. Kimchi Stew and Rolled Egg

1. Kimchi Stew (Gluten Free)


  • Pork belly (a fistful - fattier pork belly is preferred)
  • Kimchi (one bowl)
  • Tofu (a third)
  • Rice cake (shaped like number 8)
  • Leftover cooked squid (a bit
  • Kimchi soup 3-4 Tbsp (the liquid part)
  • Tomato (boiled and blended) 3-4 Tbsp

Fish cake can ruin the taste of kimchi stew so they are not recommended to add.

Kimchi itself seasons the stew, so no extra or special ingredients are needed.

1. Cook pork belly well until the fat melts and gets liquified (We didn't get enough so we added some olive oil).

When using pork shoulder without any fat, add plenty of olive oil.(I prefer this option.)

2. After cooking pork belly, add kimchi and cook it in the same pan (Kimchi tastes better when it is coated with pork belly fat)

3. When kimchi is cooked and coated well, add water. Add just enough water to let kimchi and pork belly submerged under water.

4. Add tofu, kimchi soup (3-4 Tbsp), tomato paste (3-4 Tbsp), and cook with the lid on for 3-4 minutes.

5. Add 8-shaped rice cakes and boil until the rice cake is fully cooked.
Add the cooked squid and warm it up.

Rolled egg goes well with kimchi stew.

2. Rolled Egg (Gluten Free)


  • Eggs (two)
  • Chives (two) - it's a must
  • Onion (a bit)
  • Red bell pepper (just a bit) - the one in the picture is from our backyard so it's small
  • 할로삔뇨 한개 반
  • Salt

1. Chop all the ingredients finely and mix them well together with a quarter of salt

2. In medium low heat, thinly spread the egg mixture in a pan and start rolling it from one end. Start rolling it when the egg mixture is cooked only just a little bit for it to stick together well

3. Once it is rolled, cook both sides well again

Here is today's meal, ta-da!

Kimchi stew has a lot of kimchi in it, so today's side dish is leek-and-cucumber kimchi.

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2. Kimchi Pancake


  • Kimchi 1 bowl
  • Pork Belly 100g
  • Small onion half
  • Chive four
  • Bread flour 4T
  • Starch flour 3T
  • Water (Adjust the smooth consistency by gradually pouring in small amounts)

1. Thinly slice a bowl of kimchi (sour and well-fermented kimchi is even better)

2. Slice a half of onion and 4-5 green onions (optional)

3. On top of kimchi and onion, add 4-5 Tbsp of bread flour and 3-4 Tbsp of starch flour.
Mix while adding water slowly. Add water until the mixture is not too thick but silky.

4. Slice and add a fistful of pork belly

5. If the kimchi is good, you don't have to season it.
In a frying pan, cook it with medium heat. Make it small so it doesn't tear as easily. Cook it until it is crunchy and tasty.
6. Tomato sauce kimchi goes well with kimchi pancakes.

  • Using bread flour and starch make the texture chewy and crispy.
  • using all-purpose flour and starch result in a slightly softer texture.
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1. Chicken and Veggie Soy Sauce Stir Fry

*Gluten Free


  • Chicken 150g
  • Vegetables (onions, carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, green onions, etc.) - prepare at least 3 times the amount of meat
  • Garlic 2T
  • Korean soy sauce 3T
  • Banana syrup (or agave or sugar) 1/2T
  • Sesame oil 2T
  • Sesame seeds 1T

1. Thinly slice 150g of chicken and briefly marinate with soy sauce 1 Tbsp and banana syrup (or agave or sugar) 1/2 Tbsp

2. While the meat is marinated, crust the garlic and slice the vegetables you have at home (onions, carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, green onions, etc.)

3. Cook the chicken front and back and take it out on a plate (Chicken tastes bad once you overcook it)
4. In the same pan you cooked the meat, put enough olive oil and cook garlic and vegetables.
Put one or two pinches of salt, 1-2 Tbsp of soy sauce and cook until the vegetables are cooked.
Add the chicken back and season with soy sauce. Once it's all cooked, drizzle sesame oil and turn off the heat.

5. Plate your stir fry and put on some sesame seeds. Enjoy with kimchi.

*At first, try cooking according to the given recipe, and the next time you cook, you can adjust the sweetness and saltiness to suit your own taste.